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Art at Den

Shannon Mello


Shannon Mello

Airport Office Building Lobby, Near A Bridge Security Checkpoint

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About the Artist, Shannon Mello

Learn more about artist Shannon Mello by visiting her website.

About Shannon Mello

I’ve been creating art my whole life.  I’ve also always been a lover of nature and the great outdoors since I can remember.  The artwork I create, whether it is the materials or the subject matter itself, will almost always have a connection to nature.  Encaustic is made from beeswax and tree resin, which naturally creates a layered atmosphere of color and texture.
Watercolors create ethereal lands, usually complemented by the use of gold or copper leafing.  My cold wax & oil paintings usually depict an abstracted landscape with subtle earth tones, contrasted by small bits of breaking light.  No matter the media, an atmospheric landscape emphasizing a glint of light and contrasting textures seem to be what inspires me the most.
I have two amazing children and a husband who also share my love of the outdoors.  We emphasize the arts in our family and inspire our children to take risks and create with whatever is available, from pine cones and branches, to canvas.
I hope this artwork inspires you to take risks and find your own means of creation.  Maybe it’s visually, mentally, spiritually, or physically.  Maybe it’s with pine cones.  Whatever you do, do it with curiosity and love.

a group of paintings on a wall

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