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DENVER, CO — March 27, 2013 — Denver International Airport’s South Terminal Redevelopment Program construction has reached a milestone. Vertical construction is now underway, and the 519-room Westin Hotel and Conference Center is starting to take shape.
The construction of the hotel and conference center, as well as a train station connecting the airport to Union Station in downtown Denver, completes the original vision for the airport, which has grown into a $22 billion a year economic engine for the region’s economy. The five-year, $544 million construction program will strengthen the airport’s connection to Denver’s urban core.
“We are excited to see the hotel and train hall beginning to take shape,” said Kim Day, Manager of Aviation. “This project will lead to new economic opportunities for the city of Denver, increase the amenities we offer our customers, and provide a convenient and efficient connection to downtown for our passengers and residents.”
The South Terminal Redevelopment Program is made up of three independent, yet physically integrated projects, which include the design and construction of:
During the next year, DIA expects the hotel’s foundation and superstructure to be completed, with one floor of the hotel being completed about every six weeks. Work will also focus on the public transit center platform, including large canopies. For more information about the South Terminal Redevelopment Program, please visit: http://www.flydenver.com/southterminalredevelopmentprogram
Streaming video of the construction site is now available for the public to view online at www.flydenver.com/ConstructionCam. The site allows for live video, panoramic views and archived images that track the progress of the South Terminal’s redevelopment.
Photo courtesy of Denver International Airport.
Denver International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world. DEN is the primary economic engine for the state of Colorado, generating more than $36 billion for the region annually. For more information visit www.FlyDenver.com, check us out on YouTube and Instagram, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Sign up for DEN’s monthly newsletter Nonstop News.