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Denver International Airport and the Transportation Security Administration Unveil First of its Kind Screening Technology in the U.S.


DENVER – Dec. 17, 2018 – In partnership with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Denver International Airport (DEN) is the first U.S. airport to operate next generation Enhanced Advanced Imaging Technology (eAIT) for checkpoint screening. The new equipment has updated detection capabilities and the potential to speed checkpoint screening operations and increase throughput.

“Our strong partnership with TSA has allowed us to once again bring in new screening technology to DEN that will improve the passenger screening process while enhancing security,” said airport CEO Kim Day. “Much like the new automated screening lanes installed this fall, we will test this new screening equipment in hopes of a wider implementation once the new screening area on Level 6 is constructed.”

Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) safely screens passengers for metallic and nonmetallic threats including weapons, explosives and other objects concealed under layers of clothing without physical contact to help TSA keep the traveling public safe. This technology uses non-ionizing radio-frequency energy in the millimeter spectrum, which is safe and meets national health and safety standards.

“TSA is committed to evaluating and deploying the best cutting-edge technologies to keep passengers secure and improve the screening experience,” said TSA Administrator David Pekoske. “Our partnership with DEN is a great example of how we can work with airports and private industry to move technology forward.”

The new eAIT system has several benefits, but most noticeable to passengers will be the relaxed stance, which means that instead of holding their arms over their heads, they can keep them down and close to their sides. The actual scan takes less than a second, and the addition of two screening stations allow those who need additional screening to move to a separate area until they are cleared by a TSA officer.

With the collaboration from TSA, DEN has installed one new eAIT system in the north security checkpoint next to the new automated screening lanes installed in September. Both systems are being tested and could eventually be implemented at all screening locations once the Great Hall renovation project is completed in late 2021.

Denver International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world. DEN is the primary economic engine for the state of Colorado, generating more than $36 billion for the region annually. For more information visit, check us out on YouTube and Instagram, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Sign up for DEN’s monthly newsletter Nonstop News.


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Denver International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world. DEN is the primary economic engine for the state of Colorado, generating more than $36 billion for the region annually. Follow us on socials!

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