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DENVER – Oct. 29, 2018 – Today, Denver International Airport (DEN) celebrates the three-year anniversary of the beloved Canine Airport Therapy Squad (CATS). The popular program, initiated in 2015, has more than quadrupled in size and is the largest airport program of its kind in the U.S.
The CATS program is designed to help relax and delight passengers on their journey through DEN. These furry volunteers and their human companions can be found throughout the airport offering friendly wags and often posing for photos with DEN passengers. Today, 15 CATS teams are celebrating the “Yappy Anniversary” by passing out DEN branded dog biscuits to passengers.
Fast Facts about DEN CATS:
All CATS teams work a minimum of 10 hours per quarter. While the dates of visits are flexible, CATS and their handlers average three visits each month and walk the concourses delighting and comforting passengers. Each of the CATS has his or her own trading card that includes interesting facts about them, including their “pet peeves.”
Members of the CATS teams are chosen after an interview and testing process. Each dog/cat is a family pet and must be shown to have a calm, friendly demeanor in public. The animals and their owners are trained, registered, certified and insured by certified therapy organizations, and an annual recertification is required for both dog and owner. Each CATS team must have therapy experience at another facility before service at DEN.
In addition, all CATS volunteers complete DEN customer service training and field evaluations to ensure the airport’s busy environment is a good fit for both human and animal. Human volunteers go through airport security background checks, fingerprinting, and security testing prior to receiving an airport ID badge.
Follow @DENAirport on Twitter to learn when CATS are available at DEN.
To learn more about each of our CATS, please visit www.flydenver.com/cats.
Denver International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world. DEN is the primary economic engine for the state of Colorado, generating more than $36 billion for the region annually. For more information visit www.FlyDenver.com, check us out on YouTube and Instagram, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Sign up for DEN’s monthly newsletter Nonstop News.